Thursday, October 10, 2024

Swallows Over Fan Creek

Swallows Over Fan Creek  24" x 18" acrylic 

This painting is about a moment of vibrant life over Fan Creek in Yellowstone National Park during July. On a day when summer thunderstorms were beginning to build tree swallows were darting gracefully through the air. Their detailed and delicate wings show the play of light on their iridescent feathers as they swoop and dive above the meandering waters of Fan Creek. The lush green grasses and plants along the creek bank frame the background, while the distant forested hills rise softly, enhancing the sense of serenity and natural harmony in this breathtaking summer scene.

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Friday, September 6, 2024

The Twins

The Twins  9" x 12" Acrylic  $1300

This painting captures a serene moment in nature, featuring a pair of fawns standing side by side in a lush, sun-dappled grassy field. Their large, dark eyes are wide with curiosity as they gaze intently to the left, their delicate ears perked up in alertness. The soft light filters through the scene casting gentle shadows on their speckled coats, highlighting their youthful innocence. The tall grass sways gently around them, adding a sense of calm to the piece, while the subtle hues of green and gold in the late summer meadow create a harmonious, tranquil backdrop.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

November Majesty

November Majesty   12" x 16"   acrylic on board  $2300

A majestic bull elk stands proudly amidst the rugged high desert. The arid landscape stretches around him, dotted with resilient sage, juniper and ponderosa pine embodying the stark beauty of Central Oregon. Behind him, the iconic Three Sisters and the Tam McArthur Rim rise in a stately trio, their peaks dusted with snow, contrasting against the earthy tones of the desert. Above, a procession of clouds drifts across the sky, hinting at the changing weather. The interplay of subtle November light, the grandeur of the elk, and the dramatic backdrop combine to create a scene of raw, untamed splendor.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

September Memories


September Memories  Acrylic on Board  24" x 18"  $4900

September is a special time of year in the mountains with the changing of color, the sound of bugling elk and a crispness in the air hinting at the changing seasons. Bull elk face their greatest challenge in gathering cows, defending their harem and staying strong to survive the upcoming winter. Here this large herd bull is gathering these two cows for his harem. 

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Sunday, January 22, 2023

Summer Serenity


Summer Serenity  12" x 16"  acrylic   $2400

Water inspires me. The way it sounds and moves in mountain streams puts me at peace. This painting  depicts the Provo River in Utah in summer. My family and I were blessed to spend a year and half in Park City and many paintings have been created from our time there. The Provo starts high in the Uinta Mountains and runs south of the ski town of Park City and into Utah Lake in Provo. The river is known in Utah for its fishing (rainbow, brown, cutthroat and even golden trout in the higher elevations) and for its whitewater rafting.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Wetland Vigil

Wetland Vigil  5" x 7"  acrylic 
Available at Parklane Gallery's National Juried Show for Small Works November 8th - January 3rd
A Canada goose keeps watch while its partner feeds in this peacefully quiet marsh.  Wetlands have always inspired my artwork as they team with wildlife.  Also, the intricate patterns formed by the natural contours of the water provide wonderful abstract shapes that lead the eye and, in this particular painting, create balance.
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Friday, May 20, 2022

The Wind River Foothills

The Wind Rivers  12" x 16"   acrylic   $2400

The Wind River Range in Wyoming is a spectacular backdrop to the fertile early summer pasture and grazing cattle near Pinedale. This painting is all about the interesting landscape as it bends and weaves leading back to the jagged peaks shaded by developing afternoon storms.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Geyser Basin and Bison

Geyser Basin and Bison  6" x 6" acrylic $550

A powerful and majestic bison is juxtaposed against the power and majesty of the volcanic Yellowstone National Park. I saw this scene in late June when the wildflowers were in bloom and the bison had shed their winter coats. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

The Headwaters


The Headwaters  9" x 12"  acrylic

The Deschutes River starts out as a calm, peaceful flow out of Little Lava Lake. This late summer scene shows the subtlety in colors and variety of grasses near the water. This famous river starts out flowing south then turns north through Bend and Maupin then eventually meets the Columbia. However, this scene was so peaceful and beautiful when I was there that I had to paint it!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

November Kinglet

November Kinglet  5" x 7"  acrylic  $395
A Ruby-Crowned Kinglet flits it's way through the last of the seasons fall colors. These energetic birds spend most of their time quickly working through the branches of small trees and shrubs and rarely stop to take a break.  The fall colors with just a hint of last seasons greens are what attracted me to paint this scene.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Heading Out

Heading Out  7" x 5" acrylic  $395
On a long fishing excursion off the northern tip of Vancouver Island, we ducked into the inlet of a wind sheltered island for the night. This fishing boat came in after we went to sleep.  Then as quietly as it came in, it slipped back out sea through the glassy water and the fog just as we were walking up. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Costa's Hummingbird

Costa's Hummingbird   4" x 4"  acrylic   $225
A male Costa's Hummingbird perches on a branch to take a quick break from gathering the nectar of nearby flowers. These birds are common in the desert Southwest and their brilliant purple head and throat make them easily identifiable. An interesting fact is the feathers that project off the side of the throat are called the gorget (pronounced gorjet) and project out further than on any other North American hummingbird species.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Afternoon Pintail

Afternoon Pintail   5" x 7"  acrylic  $395
As the winter afternoon light gets low, a quiet marsh offers a peaceful sanctuary to a pair of pintails. Painting the different habitats was both challenging and fun - from the leafless winter trees and evergreen covered mountains to the wetland and it's unique grasses. There is a lot of detail for a painting of this size!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Fall Creek

Fall Creek  5" x 7"
acrylic  $520
Located in the high Cascades, Fall Creek runs along the Green Lakes Trail through the Three Sisters Wilderness and into Sparks Lake after an 1,187 foot drop in elevation. This painting is a slice of the landscape near where it flows into Sparks Lake. I created this from a scene just as an afternoon summer thunderstorm was passing giving the painting a sense of the overcast weather.
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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Mountain Tapestry

Mountain Tapestry   15" x 26"
Oil on Board  $4800
It is not often that I paint in oil, although I do enjoy the medium. This painting is the largest oil painting that I have ever done. The wide variety of plants and how they all seemed to blend into one tapestry that naturally called for the approach oil painting requires. This is another painting inspired from my time in Park City. This habitat is typical of the Wasatch high country and this spot in particular is near the top of Empire Pass close to Deer Valley. The bluish grasses are what caught my eye as they intertwined softly through the other mountain plants and rocks. And, of coarse, Aspens are everywhere up there!
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Alpine Serenity

Alpine Serenity  9" x 12"
acrylic  $1100
Alta and Snowbird ski resorts are both known is internationally for their terrain and fantastically light and dry powder in the winter. However, in the summer and early fall months, when things quiet down, this area is a beautiful, serene place to visit and escape. This mountain stream, called Little Cottonwood Creek runs through the base areas of both resorts and down through Little Cottonwood Canyon. I have painted this creek before as this is so inspiring to me. I lived in Park City for a year and a half and tried to soak up as much of the Wasatch grandeur as possible.

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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Woodland Hideaway

Woodland Hideaway 
12" x 9" acrylic

As the ice is thawing a group of mallards finds this maze of hidden open water an appealing spot to rest and loaf for the day. The water is used to lead the eye through the labyrinth of woods, reeds and ice to create depth. This painting recently sold at Settler's West Gallery for their annual American Miniature's show.

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Monday, February 17, 2020


Chasing chukars through the rugged country of Southeastern Oregon's high desert mountains is a challenging and rewarding experience. Most of the time you are hiking uphill following dogs on scent as they search for the skittish, running birds. Seeing sign and hearing them calling only heightens the excitement of the chase. Then, at the top of the climb the birds explode into flight heading for the lowlands twisting and turning behind rock formations. Flushed! And, while all this is happening, the fresh mountain air and endless views enrich the soul.

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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Baobab Sunset

Baobab Sunset
12" x 16"  acrylic

Last light graces a warm, African landscape full of baobab trees. Baobabs are treasured in Senegal, a country on the West Coast of Africa, where it serves as the nation's symbol. The ancient trees have provided food, shelter, medicine, water, and clothing to the people of West Africa. The trees can even serve as burial sites.  This painting was donated to The Andando Foundation for their annual fundraising event. Their goal is to alleviate poverty in Senegal through micro development. 100% of the proceeds from the painting went to the foundation. Click on the link for more information.


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Living Waters

Living Waters  18" x 24"  acrylic  $4900

Water represents so much - it is calm, violent, reflective, dangerous, soothing and life-giving..  The sound of rushing water is a spiritual and inspiring experience and helps center me as a person and as an artist.

"...Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."  John 7:38

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Saturday, May 9, 2015


Dowitchers  4" x 4"  acrylic  $225
A group of long-billed dowitchers probes the shallows for aquatic insects.  These small shorebirds need to build up reserves for their long migration to the Arctic circle.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

November Aspens

Among the late November aspens, a mule deer buck keeps a close eye on this doe as they move into the late rutting season. This species of deer is found throughout the western United States particularly in the high desert and is know for it's large mule-like ears which are excellent for picking up sounds at distance.  Cougars are it's main predator.
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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Watering Hole

The Watering Hole
 7" x 5" acrylic

A large American Bison comes in to get a drink.  Nearby is a dry arid landscape but the lush grasses around this wetland offer a respite from the heat.
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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Wood Ducks 4" x 8"

Wood Ducks  4" x 8"  acrylic 
A pair of wood ducks swims in a quiet backwater.  These are among the most beautiful of any birds in the world and thankfully, they are common throughout most of the United States.  They prefer tree cavities for nesting and, unlike most other ducks, will perch on tree branches to rest.
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Monday, December 8, 2014

Golden Waters

Amber Waters  12" x 16"  acrylic  $2400

An amber ribbon of water cascades through the rocky, alpine setting of Utah's Uinta Mountains. Quartzite, shale and slate of the upper Provo River create this beautiful golden color.  The river also happens to be full of brook, brown, cutthroat, rainbow and, fittingly, golden trout!
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Monday, December 1, 2014

Bachelor Pad

Bachelor Pad 5" x 7"  acrylic  

Exhausted from a hard season of battling each other for the right to breed, bull elk reform bachelor herds as winter arrives.  The key now is to eat and rest and rebuild strength to survive the new season.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

2015 Texas Non-Game Stamp - Original Painting

Black-Necked Stilts
13" x 18"  acrylic  $2800
This painting will be the image for the upcoming 2015 Texas Non-Game Stamp.  Proceeds from print and stamp sales benefit wildlife habitat in the state of Texas.  Black-necked stilts live in shallow marshes throughout much of the Western United States down through Central America.  Their legs are very long enabling them to wade in a bit deeper water as seen in this painting.  The background waves show the line where the water actually gets too deep for this pair but they are perfectly comfortable foraging for food in the foreground shallows.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Feeding Broadbill

Desert Broadbill  4" x 4"  acrylic 
A broadbill hummingbird sips nectar from attractive desert blooms. This painting is headed to Collector's Covey in Dallas, TX for their annual miniatures show.
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Thursday, September 4, 2014

September Heron

September Heron  8" x 10"  acrylic 
This painting has been in my studio and after studying it for some time, I decided to rework a couple of areas.  The patterns, colors and softness of the various types of grasses are what inspired this painting.
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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Canyon Creek

Canyon Creek  7" x 5"
oil  $295
This creek runs through and feeds the heart of a wetland preserve that is home to many bird species, deer, elk and moose.  It has been a wet summer with a lot of thunderstorms so the creek is running strong even in the dog days of summer.
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