Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Wood Ducks 4" x 8"

Wood Ducks  4" x 8"  acrylic 
A pair of wood ducks swims in a quiet backwater.  These are among the most beautiful of any birds in the world and thankfully, they are common throughout most of the United States.  They prefer tree cavities for nesting and, unlike most other ducks, will perch on tree branches to rest.
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Monday, December 8, 2014

Golden Waters

Amber Waters  12" x 16"  acrylic  $2400

An amber ribbon of water cascades through the rocky, alpine setting of Utah's Uinta Mountains. Quartzite, shale and slate of the upper Provo River create this beautiful golden color.  The river also happens to be full of brook, brown, cutthroat, rainbow and, fittingly, golden trout!
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Monday, December 1, 2014

Bachelor Pad

Bachelor Pad 5" x 7"  acrylic  

Exhausted from a hard season of battling each other for the right to breed, bull elk reform bachelor herds as winter arrives.  The key now is to eat and rest and rebuild strength to survive the new season.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

2015 Texas Non-Game Stamp - Original Painting

Black-Necked Stilts
13" x 18"  acrylic  $2800
This painting will be the image for the upcoming 2015 Texas Non-Game Stamp.  Proceeds from print and stamp sales benefit wildlife habitat in the state of Texas.  Black-necked stilts live in shallow marshes throughout much of the Western United States down through Central America.  Their legs are very long enabling them to wade in a bit deeper water as seen in this painting.  The background waves show the line where the water actually gets too deep for this pair but they are perfectly comfortable foraging for food in the foreground shallows.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Feeding Broadbill

Desert Broadbill  4" x 4"  acrylic 
A broadbill hummingbird sips nectar from attractive desert blooms. This painting is headed to Collector's Covey in Dallas, TX for their annual miniatures show.
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Thursday, September 4, 2014

September Heron

September Heron  8" x 10"  acrylic 
This painting has been in my studio and after studying it for some time, I decided to rework a couple of areas.  The patterns, colors and softness of the various types of grasses are what inspired this painting.
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Friday, August 29, 2014

November Swans

November Swans  5" x 8"  oil  $345
A flock of tundra swans peacefully rest during the cool early morning hours.  Having migrated from their breeding grounds on the northern tundra these majestic birds are replenishing themselves for the winter ahead and for their future trip back to the arctic.
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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Approaching Flurries

Approaching Flurries  8" x 10
acrylic on canvas  $495
Here is a study on canvas of an approaching snow squall on the Fall  River in Central Oregon.  This is a favorite spot of mine as I used to spend hours out there.  The water is crystal clear and a fantastic trout stream.  This particular spot is where the river is about to meet the famed Deschutes River.
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Evening Pair - Pintails

Evening Pair - Pintails  5" x 7"
A graceful pair of northern pintails glide across a colorful evening sky where the lowering sun transforms gray clouds into shades of purple and orange.
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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Pueblo Pronghorns

Pueblo Pronghorns  9" x 12"  acrylic
The majestic and rugged Pueblo Mountains in southeastern are home to a wide variety of high desert wildlife including pronghorn antelope.  On a recent chukar hunting trip, we bumped some pronghorn out of their beds and had a great view of them as they ran by.  

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Monday, January 20, 2014

January Skies

January Skies  10" x 8"
The wind clears a storm that has just rolled through.  I was captured by the movement of the clouds as wells as by the depth this scene presented with the distant tree line and nearby island. 
This painting will be available through Settlers West Galleries annual American  Miniatures Show in Tucson, AZ on Saturday February 8th!

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