Friday, September 6, 2024

The Twins

The Twins  9" x 12" Acrylic  $1300

This painting captures a serene moment in nature, featuring a pair of fawns standing side by side in a lush, sun-dappled grassy field. Their large, dark eyes are wide with curiosity as they gaze intently to the left, their delicate ears perked up in alertness. The soft light filters through the scene casting gentle shadows on their speckled coats, highlighting their youthful innocence. The tall grass sways gently around them, adding a sense of calm to the piece, while the subtle hues of green and gold in the late summer meadow create a harmonious, tranquil backdrop.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

November Majesty

November Majesty   12" x 16"   acrylic on board  $2300

A majestic bull elk stands proudly amidst the rugged high desert. The arid landscape stretches around him, dotted with resilient sage, juniper and ponderosa pine embodying the stark beauty of Central Oregon. Behind him, the iconic Three Sisters and the Tam McArthur Rim rise in a stately trio, their peaks dusted with snow, contrasting against the earthy tones of the desert. Above, a procession of clouds drifts across the sky, hinting at the changing weather. The interplay of subtle November light, the grandeur of the elk, and the dramatic backdrop combine to create a scene of raw, untamed splendor.